Alot of the local lolitas have already seen my lolita room (which also doubles as my computer/workplace and library as I work from home) but I was doing some cleaning out of my wardrobe the other Continue reading…
I received this in the mail a couple of months back but I had to take a picture to share it with everyone. Just to keep this in perspective this box is around 25cm x 35cm and weighs around a kilogram, it contains a dress and a headbow……. Im pretty sure even a small child could carry that without assistance, but Australia post seems to think otherwise.
Perhaps Australia post Occupational Health and Safety team has gone overboard, or perhaps a team member was having a bad day……
♥ Alyssium♥
The first Harajuku no Yoko was on the 4th May. The local council created the event to be held roughly once a month to encourage cultural diversity and freedom of fashion, in particular showcasing Lolita Continue reading…
Any day you get a package in the mail is a good day and today I got two! Im stuck at home at the moment and was in bed when this arrived. I’m not really in a state to get up myself but my lovely BF went down and got it for me and I had bed service package delivery Continue reading…
There is a Japanese festival called Kodomo no Hi, at a local school every year that I have been meaning to get to. I missed it last year and put it up on my calendar to make sure that I was able to go this year. Funnily enough I got the dates mixed up and was not able to attend again!
After I had dressed and was about to leave I called up another friend who was going and asked when they were getting there. Awkward silence… “Its not till next week though….” Crap! Unfortunately I had triple booked myself for the weekend after and was not able to make it, at least here are the pictures of what i was going to wear had I been able to go. Metamorphose Jewel Butterfly Yukata in Mint XD, maybe next year!
♥ Alyssium♥
Alice and the Pirates newest print on reservation, Treasure hunt in Mystic Island. Scans for this new print went up very early on EGL so I spotted it with plenty of time to spare and shared it with the local group. It was really popular so I organised a GO to put in for the series. It came to 4pm Japan time, on the day and time of the release so I logged on got everything in my cart……… with the exception to the JSK in navy that I wanted……….. Continue reading…
I’m very excited today, I got a measure and fit for a custom sized JSK from the a new series coming out, Surgary Bones. The visit was from Eden, the amazing designer of the brand We’re All Mad Here. I have watched this series start from print sketches into coloured prints, material runs and lastly the prototype that was released recently and modeled by the gorgous Sacharine Darling at Tokyo Hardcore. I have been patiently watching all of her updates, eagerly awaiting for the news of a release and jumped at a spot of the reservation. Continue reading…