This year’s AVCon is shaping up to be the best ever, and we would like to invite you along to celebrate with us.
Come along and enjoy an electric environment revolving around everything Anime, Video Gaming and Cosplay!
After the stall we had last year, I still had plenty of Lolita to sell, so I teamed up with Dapper Doe, another Lolita store and we shared a space at AVcon. Lauren, I, Kat and Marian standing out the front of the stall.
A couple of snaps from the Lolita Parade. Britt looking very Harry Potter inspired in her Fortune Tarot Lace Up JSK. Cheryl looking lovely in her Alice and the Pirates Rose Jail JSK. Georgina wearing a Mary Magdelene OP.
A couple of snaps from the Handmade Lolita Parade. Corrina in a black OP and bonnet. Alycia looking stunning in a navy blue JSK and Jess saluting in a navy sailor style outfit.
As with all AVcons the event was over in a flash, a big thank you to Lauren and Marian who helped me out with the stall ♥
Dress: Angelic Pretty Lucky Key JSK
Blouse: Offbrand ivory lace blouse with Angelic Pretty bow and Innocent World lace bib
Headwear: Triple Fortune beret
Socks: Offbrand lace stockings
Shoes: Baby the Stars Shine Bright ribbon flats
Bag: Innocent World bookbag
♥ Alyssium♥
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