On Sunday the local cosplayers were having a picnic in the Botanic Gardens for one of the members birthday. The lolitas were also invited along for the day so we had an impromptu meet up. Candice was still down from Sydney and her boyfriend Alex came along as well to take some photos. The weather was fantastic, blue skies and the sun was shining. Apart from the picnic the cosplayers had set up a field and were playing nerf gun wars. We watched for a little in the shade and has some sweets, Candice was mucking around with the camera and took the following pictures of me.
She took the first photo, looked at it and started to crack up laughing. It took a little while before she was able to tell me what had happened, she explained that the guy behind me had bent over at the exact moment that she had taken the photo so that it looks like he either going to sit or fart on me. So thats why Im laughing in the second picture. We got the third one right!
We stayed at the picnic for a little while, then headed back through the gardens to meet up with the other girls. It was pretty hot, but there was really nice lighting! Sarah first on the right is wearing a recent Angelic Pretty release Clever tarten skirt with collar in pink, Emma and Jimmy are both wearing Metamorphose Fairy Tale print JSKs and Nana is in a cute pink Angelic Pretty salopette. Ducked down in the cute blonde wig is Tamara in Angelic Pretty Miracle Candy Triple Frill JSK and Carrie is decked out pink and the latest Angelic Pretty print Sugar Hearts OP. I was wearing a blue AP Miracle Candy and last but not least is Candice is Marionette Clock which is also a Angelic Pretty print.
After a couple of photos the main group left and Carrie, Candice and I stuck around for more photos. I can’t remember how, but one of us thought up an idea for us to all jump at the same time for a photo.We took like a million of these photos and in all of them we are jumping at the wrong time, so we eventually gave up and I just pasted them together! I spent a long time in editing the pictures afterwards and pasted some of them together in a gif. I made it go really fast so it looks like we are jumping jacks, it looks funny as!
These are my three favourite photos from the day. Candice not looking exactly like a lolita but rocking it her own way as only she can do. Carrie looking up at the camera with a face that no one would ever be able to say no to. Lastly this photo of me, i like this photo because of how the light illuminates the parasol and outline edges. I think its pretty.
Thanks for taking the photos Alex!
♥ Alyssium♥
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