Chinese New Year

Group_smTo celebrate the coming on Chinese New Year the Adelaide city council organised for a street party on Gouger street, China town. As part of the street party they closed down the street and organised a festival. CNY_smThere were many Chinese food street stalls, a blow up castle, balloons, vendors and a stage where they were showcasing Chinese and asian culture. AVcon, the Adelaide Anime and Video convention committee organised to a cosplay parade and Beverley a local lolita is who is part of the committee organised for there to be a small lolita parade. Its was fairly short notice and the turned out to be very very hot (37 degrees or 98.7 farenheit) but there were still a few lolitas that braved the heat.

Tamara and I head over late afternoon and grabbed some dinner before meeting up with everyone else for the parade. In keeping with the Chinese New Year theme we wore red coordinate. People wear red on Chinese New Year because red represents prosperity, fortune, and luck. Tamara wore an Angelic Pretty Sailor JSK (with the sailor collar removed) and a AP strawberry shoulder bag. I wore a Angelic Pretty Miracle Candy Triple Frill JSK with APred ribbon combs and a Baby the Stars Shine Bright heart bag.

 ♥ Alyssium♥


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