Today was my birthday, we were in Japan and I was going to Harajuku……. you cant ask for much more then that! Although the weather had been quite cold recently it turned out to be quite a beautiful day, blue skies and what can be considered warm for winter! I was allowed to sleep in for the morning and was woken up to quite a cute surprise!
Its quite a well known that Im not a huge fan of cakes, so the boys trekked down to the supermarket and bought me a cheesecake pancake! Thats right, it was a pancake with cheesecake sandwiched in between! It was a very sweet thought, so i munched on it while the others had breakfast. Besides me, who ate rice for breakfast every morning the other five in the group ate a staggering amount of chocolate flavoured cereal. I was quite amazed at how many boxes we went though on the time we were there!
I lolified up for the day and finally got to wear my Alice and the Pirates Vampire Requiem JSK for the first time! I matched it up with my AATP blouse, black lace tights and comfy black suede boots (these were for shopping in) I also wore my new Cyperous wig. I actually felt much more comfortable wearing Lolita in Japan then I did in Australia. It was quite funny later on, when I went into the Alice and Pirates store and the store person saw me she got so excited and proceeded to show me everything in the store, everything that was new (in all the colourways) and anything that would match my outfit. I felt bad that I had blown most my cash in Angelic Pretty 10 mintues before.
Even though I was itching to get shopping, I was quite patient and we went to Yoyogi park first and went to Meiji Jingu Shrine first. Its amazing that you can be in the middle of the park and feel such a long way away from all the bustling in the city! In the short time that we were there we saw two different weddings. In the first one the bride was wearing a traditional white bridal Kimono, in the second the bride wore a gorgeous coloured Kimono. We watched as the wedding procession went by, many people were watching and taking photographs. No signs of any lolitas or cosplayers though (maybe we got the wrong spot?)
I couldnt quite get to Takeshita Dori fast enough and stopped out the front only long enough for Chris to take a picture. I also had to stop for lunch as everyones tummies were grumbling. We had Macdonalds again (and I picked up a couple more Coca Cola glasses!) I spotted a couple of Gothic and Lolitas along the street, they were all very sweet and allowed me to take pictures with them!
As it was a weekend Takashita Dori was packed! Half way down the street I found the holy grail in Lolita shopping, Closet Child! Three floors of glorious shopping goodness. The first floor is sweet and packed out with Angelic Pretty, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, Metamorphose, Innocent World and more. The second floor in gothic and punk with brands like Moi meme Moitie, Black Peace Now, h.naoto and Atelier Pierrot. Top floor is stocked with Emily Temple Cute. I spent my fair share of time here coming back a couple of times to spend my birthday morning that everyone had given me!
While walking down Takeshita Dori Chris and I were quite surprised when we stumbled over the Evangelion store, it had apparently only opened the week before! We had a good look in here and Chris bought quite a few T-shirts, a jacket and a scarf. After this we slowly made our way to Laforet for some department shopping! I got a quick shot of Mimi out the front of the floor that had all of the Lolita and Gothic brands. We weren’t suppose to take photos but we snuck a couple in! It was my first time actually in an Angelic Pretty store so I was very excited!!
Closet Child Viviene Westwood was only a short walk away from the main store, it was easier to spot but not quite as big. Bedhind it was quite a cool music store where Stuart and Mimi browsed and picked up some cool Jpop. After Laforet we strolled down the main street of Harajuku and took in the sights. The trees along the main street in Harajuku were decorated with christmas lights so as it started to get dark it was really pretty! I just couldnt believe how packed Harajuku was the whole day we were there!
As it got dark it started to get cold and I hadnt brought a jacket with me (the weather was so nice earlier!)so I ducked back into Closet Child and bought a BTSSB fur jacket (good xcuse to go back in) On our way back we walked past this shop in Takeshita Dori that had a plane in it!! I had so much loot that I had to carry home that I started to wear some it !!!
We head home pretty late and I was pretty tired from all the excitement and shopping. This is everything that I managed to buy and lug home! A pretty good haul and an amazing birthday!!
Continue on to Japan day 9
♥ Alyssium♥
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