About Me

I’m Alyssium, a Lolita from Australia. I post mostly about Lolita, but also about cosplay, Pokémon, BJD’s and my trips to Japan!


This year is my 15 year anniversary of buying and wearing Lolita, and many things have happened over this time. I have gotten married, bought a house, had 2 beautiful babies and adopted a dog. Combined with my full time job as a software CAD specialist, I don’t often get the time I would like to dedicate to my wardrobe and this blog. Please forgive my updates and late posts, sometimes life just gets in the way of posting!


I first found out about Lolita many, many years ago, however it wasn’t until I bought my BJD her first Baby the Stars Shine Bright outfit that I realized I was able get the same outfit for me. At the time buying Lolita was not as easy as it is now. So after what felt like months of research and browsing various sites, I finally got my first JSK, a Alice and the Pirates dress on Ebay, and not long after a matching Baby the Stars Shine Bright Little Red Riding Hood set from Garagesalejapan.


For awhile there I only dressed up at home as I had no idea how many other Lolita’s were in Australia (if any) but after getting the courage to start attending conventions I was soon found by my local community. A whole new world opened up and I started posting on livejournal, and participating in the bigger Australian community! All the rest is in this blog!


I hope you enjoy reading my adventures in Lolita.


♥ Alyssium♥

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