Mes belles chéries, darlings, you are invited to the Adelaide Lolita Valentine’s Meet! A delightfully romantic lunch of sweet chocolate cakes and desserts, but not as sweet as you, cherie! Let’s run away and secretly meet in the hidden love nest where I will wait patiently for you. Upstairs at Chocolate Bean!
Please dress in appropriately themed Valentines coordinates that will make anyone weak at the knees, falling for you is so easy! From beautiful sweet-scented florals to adorably cute hearts to chocolate that will melt you heart. Think Venus the goddess of love, or cupid who’ll steal your heart. Reds! Whites! Pinks! Ohhh, mon amour, just be sure you dress to match your perfect smile~ (Or if you’re so unromantic and think you’ll be forever alone with 40 cats, that’s cool too! Come in your crazy cat lady coordinate – I reckon I might! ;D)
A small token of my love will be gifted to the lady in the finest themed coordinate that takes away our breath, as voted by you all, my sweetheart attendees. ♥ And to end the wonderful dreamy afternoon, we’ll send little love notes of affirmation to confess our love to one another. Oh, my sweet Juliet, I do wish to see you all there. Je vous aime, je vous aime énormément! ♥ Our lovely invitation from Angela who organised the event.
Valentines Day gives us all a legitimate reason to pig out on chocolate! Brooke ordered a delicious chocolate Waffle. I ordered chocolate filth which contained a slice of Death by chocolate cake, two shots of white chocolate, two shots of dark chocolate, a shot of chocolate mousse and chocolate strawberries, all drizzled in more chocolate. Sophie and I shared the platter (as there was no way I was getting though it on my own!)
I was too busy concentrating on taking a shot of the chocolate to notice this picture. Kairii and Lauren took the opportunity to pose adorably at the end of the table.
Angela and I take dual camera shots XD
Angela and Kairii organised some cute activities for the day. They brought along a apron and some cute signs to pose with. They also brought along affirmation cards. Every got given a couple and was instructed to write some notes beginning with “You’re simply the sweetest because….”, ” I admire the way you dress because….” and “You’re a inspiration to me because……” which I thought was really lovely. After everyone was done eating their chocolate they were collected up and given out.
I take an opportunity to pose off with “My heart goes doki doki”. Kairii and Lauren muck around with “Oh my kokoro” and “Sempai notice me!” Kairii takes the time to show us some good poses for the coordinate shots.
Angela looks delicious in chocolate and gold in Angelic Pretty Chocolate Chess. Ashleigh went with a lovely floral print JSK. Brooke went for both Chocolate and Valentine themes nailing it and the Coordinate of the day prize. She is wearing Angelic Pretty Melty Chocolate with Angelic Pretty and Milk accessories. I went with the colour of love, red in Angelic Pretty Fantastic Dolly together with a Baby the Stars Shine Bright heart bag. Dalestair wore a black cutsew and a Alice and the Pirates Black Cat, Witch and the Apple tree high waisted skirt.
Georgina looked lovely in an Innocent World Antique Pansy OP in blue. Heather wore a dark purple Chess Story Marriage D Amour JSK with a Alice and the Pirates cape! Kairii twinned for the day with Angela wearing Angelic Pretty Chocolate Chess. Lauren looked very feminine in a Innocent World JSK and knit bolero. Pale also went with red in a Baby the Stars Shine Bright Alice Bambi print JSK. The crown she is wearing perfectly matches her bag even though they are bought from two different stores, what a find!
Riana also went for a chocolate theme in Baby the Stars Shine Bright Chocolate Fascinate Fairytale JSK. Sarah looks sugary sweet dressed all in pink and carrying a cute triceratops bag. Sophie looks sweet and classy in a Baby the Stars Shine Bright Little Cat Bouquet Print Rich Ribbon JSK in red. Lucky last Stephanie wears a Bodyline teddy JSK in pink stripes.
Lots of chocolate eaten and sweet compliments shared, just as Valentines should be!
♥ Alyssium♥
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