Lolitas on Ice

groupMy BFF Candice flew over from Sydney this week and I wanted her to meet the local lolitas. We brainstormed some ideas of what we could do and Tamara came up with came up with ice skating! It was quite funny that none of us had thought of the ideadone before and everyone was really keen on the idea!

Amarylise does skating as a hobby so was able to bring her own skates along, she was wearing a Surface Spell Cathedral JSK. Georgina is in a floral Bodyline dress with a black cardigan and sweet pink headbow. Candice is in the bright red wig and borrowed my Baby the Stars Shine Bright little princess coat for the evening. I am wearing my black Milkychan JSK and headbow (and twinned with Tamara who was wearing the same print in pink) Jaana is in a blue Bodyline JSK. Lauren looking very pastel is wearing Angelic Pretty Jewellery Jelly JSK. laurenBridget is lovely in yellow with a super cute red beret. Cheryl on the far right is wearing an Innocent World OP.

We were all a bit cautious going out onto the ice as most of us hadnt been skating in years (or like in my case many years) They had training frames you could use to practise so you didnt have to worry about falling down. I dont remember having those last time! That actually worked really well skating along on the ice. Even so, Candice went along after Lauren to make sure she wouldnt fall!

twinWe turned out to be quite the spectacle both on and off the ice! We had quite a few people asking to take pictures or asking us about what we were “dressed up” for! The funny thing was that as we went along to skate on a saturday night which turned out to be sub-zero saturday which had DJs and lights for a sort of clubbing feel. So it turns out that we were very dressed up for the occasion!

Tamara and I were twinning Angelic Prety Milky-chan on  the night, I went with a dark corrdinate, Tamara went with a light. My poor little camera was only a point and shoot and even though it is normally quite good it low light situations it was really struggling. I had to get everyone to stand really still otherwise it would be blurrs on ice!

After a couple of hours we were all getting worn out and a little cold, so we took off the skates and defrosted in the cafe. Lolitas cannot escape the lure of nearby chocolate and candy, the girls head straight over to the claw machine to win some sweets. It was a really interesting night out for us all!

♥ Alyssium♥


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