Tokyo hardcore posted up on facebook as soon as the Angelic Pretty shipment came in, so I had to duck in to see what they had! Looks like I wasnt the only one, spotted Jaana and Amber while I was there. I picked up a black ribbon bag and some marionette bows! Who knew it would be so hard to pick which colour I wanted! Sorry Adelle I didnt realise you wanted the black bag too! The pink is just as cute though!
The lovely owner Suzanna posed for me wearing Angelic Pretty Milky Planet XD I love this print so much!!! Doesnt her hair look just like tasty cotten candy, perfect for pigtail buns!!! New Stock included the Marionette Clock series and also Clever Tarten print. Also an array of custsews, blouses, socks, headbows, necklaces, rings and bags! Another new addition to the store was the bookcase holding the new bags from the shipment!
Cant wait for the next update!
♥ Alyssium♥
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