I got my latest Angelic Pretty package in the mail today and in it was the latest spring catalogue! So after much squeeing and planning I thought I would load it up on here to share with everyone.
Little Birds Symphony
A little too floral for me, but the bird cages are sweet! The featured neacklace is really pretty too, that recently went up on the website.
Links to larger scans.
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Strawberry Parlour
This set is super cute! It reminds me of a mix of Cherry Berry Bunny and Sweet Jam. I love the little maid headhand and the detachable collar. I really like the halterneck JSK but tempted to get the OP because of the cute collar. I can just picture that collar going with other sets as well! Strawberries are always so popular so Im sure that the socks, wristcuffs and hat wont be around for long. On closer inspection I noticed the cute little sundae necklace…. jewellery not yet released methinks! Time to stalk the website again 🙂
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Sugar Fariy Cake
The pastel cupcakes in this print are delectable though the gingham print was a bit of a let down for me. Im not usually in to pastel prints but the mint and yellow are much nicer then the black in this series. I hope they release the cute little biscuit accessories at a later date, as this print has already been out for a little while and no sign of them yet.
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Polka Dot Chocolate
This is really a hit and miss with me, its such a simple print that I think it works really well on the mini skirt and the salopette, though its just to much for the JSK and OP. The OP also has no shape so anything but the thinnest of girls is going to look huge in it!. I bought ring from this set and although it was a cheaper price then alot of the other rings I think it looks really cheap and was a little dissapointed. The necklace and bracelet look better however trhe bracelet is already sold out on the website!
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Toy Drops
I must admit that this print has grown on me. I saw it at the release in Tokyo at the Angelic Pretty Anniversary Event and it was put up for sale not long after.I dont think its been that popular as it’s still available in all the colours and styles on the website. After looking at it for awhile I think its quite a fun and bold print and I have been contemplateing getting it!
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Fancy Box
Another print that I saw in Japan at the anniversary event. I really dont like this at all. I find the plush toys on the print quite creepy and the colourway to be dull and boring. I do however LOVE LOVE the little cardigan! It looks like it has star patterns in the knit and a cute little embroidery star on it. Totally need this!!
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Princess Style
While not my style this is a really pretty hime dress…. eyeing off the lace gloves….
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Vintage Marine Girl
Sailor cute!! Not sure I can pull this off but I still think its super cute!
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Dot Pretty Girl
Retro and sailor or all once, too much cuteness!! I can totally see Tamara in that polka dot JSK!
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Arghhh I want too much stuff!
♥ Alyssium♥
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