Christmas is always a busy time of year for me, my birthday is exactly 2 weeks beforehand and my brothers and alot of friends close by. We managed to actually fit in about four or five meets in December but I have been so busy that I
havent had a chance to upload them all. These are a couple of shots that we took in the lead up to Christmas in the Adelaide and Regent arcades in the city. I love all of the decorations that they put up it makes the halls look lovely!
For a christmasy photoshoot I wore my recently acquired Angelic Pretty Holy Night Story OP with ribbon combs and Tuk buckle boots. Marie is wearing Innocent World Charles Crown JSK in forest green. Lauren is wearing a Taobao black JSK. We didnt plan it beforehand but I just realised that together we make the christmas colours!
Adelaide Arcade was the first shopping center made in Adelaide and hence has some beautiful architecture. These photos were taken upstairs in the arcade.
Downstairs is where the majority of the stores and christmas decorations are. Haighs Chocolates is one of my favourite chocolate stores! The chocolate is handmade in Adelaide where you can actually visit and see them being made. They have a retail outlet in the Adelaide Arcade.
It was a lovely backdrop to have photos taken in lolita!
Trying to get an individual outfit shot, but interupted by epic photobombing by Lauren!
A park in the middle of the CBD, Victoria Square, they put up a huge christmas tree of lights ♥
I spent Christmas with My family and loved ones, Deanna, Chris and me, Marie and Me, Me again!
This is my brother, my partner, my mother and my older brother.
Our tree went up straight after the christmas pagent which is the tradition in Adelaide. The first photo shows our chrismas tree after my birthday with all of the balloons that Jo made, the last shows the christmas tree right before Christmas.
Lastly the bits in my stocking and christmas presents, I was spoilt this year!
I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!
♥ Alyssium♥
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