I got my latest Angelic Pretty package in the mail today and in it was the latest spring catalogue! So after much squeeing and planning I thought I would load it up on here to share with everyone. Continue reading…
I saw a youtube video the other day of a Lolita in the UK who posted a video of her tranforming from everyday into lolita. I thought it would be really cool to see some of the local lolitas do somthing similar with videos or pictures so we posted a challenge to see how many people would give it a try!
I have been really busy but I knew I had a lolita picnic coming up on the weekend so I thought I would spend the morning getting ready to do this. I knew that a video would be full of mistakes or me out of headshot so I decided to do pictures. Here is how my morning went. Continue reading…
Nana just posted this on FB after spotting it floating around on tumblr. It was alot of fun seeing all the print possibilites and everyone in the group joined in, so I thought I would see what else we could get!!
My lolita print name is Sparkly Mermaid Party and my Gothic print name is Secret Blood Waltz! Sign me up for reservations, ill take both prints already!
♥ Alyssium♥
In Adelaide it is Clipsal weekend, which for those of you who dont know, or cant hear, it is a really loud car race through the city…. and thats about all I know about it. So for the girls, the lovely Kelly from Continue reading…