Archive for April 2014

Our next event is, Easter coordinate time, it’s that one time of year where we can legitimately wear bunny ears! Ill be looking for Easter, chocolate and bunny themed outfits. If you don’t have an easter print that’s fine, having real bunnies, plush bunnies, chocolate Easter eggs or even just chocolate in your photo all will count as well. 

Coord1 Continue reading…

WaterUnfortunately I was not able to make it to local lolita Easter meet up as it was the same day that I celebrated Easter with my family. The great thing about Easter being a long weekend, was that I was still able to get out that weekend in loli. Continue reading…


On vous invite à La Masquerade au Boudoir pour vous amuser l’après-midi du 13 avril.’ ‘We cordially invite you to La Masquerade au Boudoir to amuse yourselves on the afternoon of the 13th of April.’


An enchanted afternoon of mysterious guests, fancy Lolita fashion, delicious food, aromatic teas, gifts, door prizes from fantastic sponsors & a whole lot of frilly fun.  Continue reading…

AP April14_sm♥ Alyssium♥


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