Because we have so many lovely lolitas in the Australian community, what better way to get to know each other and spread the loli love ♥ Continue reading…
Valentines day came so quickly this year! As we seem to be getting more and more girls coming to each event, I decided to book this event at Saldechin a Tea-room in the city that would be able to house all of us, no matter how big we get! I booked it a month early and like with past Valentines day events we organised for Continue reading…
To celebrate the coming on Chinese New Year the Adelaide city council organised for a street party on Gouger street, China town. As part of the street party they closed down the street and organised Continue reading…
Recently I tagged up with Marie to shoot a short video, “how to” for a quick, simple Lolita hair style. The hair style that we decided on was curly double buns and we teamed up with Avcon to organise the filming of it. The video has not been put together yet, but here are some pictures that I took of Marie and I after the filming wrapped up. Continue reading…