Posts tagged Baby the Stars Shine Bright


Ever get those seller regrets after shipping off a dress you were unsure of parting with? I seem to get it very regularly, in fact there are a number of dresses in my wardrobe that I have sold, bought back in a different cut or colourway and then sold and bought back again.  Continue reading…

I first found out about lolita on my first trip to japan several years ago, at that stage I was aware of it, but not too interested in dressing in it myself. It wasnt until a couple years later that I seriously took a second look, the reason for doing that was another hobby that I have ball jointed dolls! My first doll I bought was back in 2007. It was a little while later that I found out about a brand called Baby the Stars Shine Bright. Volks the company that made my doll did a collaboration and released a dress set combined with a doll at one of their dolpas (short for dolls party which is a doll convention) The set was adorable and on futher reseach I found out about more collaborations they did. Soon after I got into collecting BTSSB dress sets. On one of my various google searches I came across one of the dresses that I had for my doll but on a person! That side tracked me onto other google searches culminating in a live journal search and a sale on garagesalejapan. Not long after I found EGL. This was that purchase….

Modelled by Flo my dressform and Momo my Volks SDGR BJD


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