In Adelaide it is Clipsal weekend, which for those of you who dont know, or cant hear, it is a really loud car race through the city…. and thats about all I know about it. So for the girls, the lovely Kelly from The March
Hare’s Team Room organised a High Tea party for us! It was held on the balcony of the Adelaide Arcade, just a little way down from Tokyo Hardcore. It turned out to be an absolutely gorgeous day, blue skies, sun shining, so it was very pleasant to pass the afternoon in some great company!
Most of the girls had left by the time we took these photos but we got nearly eveyone who was still around for a group shot.From left to right (back) Bethany, Sarah, Sami, Elsbeth (front) Emma, Beverley, Jaana and me.
There was a delicious spread (including Emma, isnt she adorable!!!) of sandwiches, cakes, scones, nuts and shortbread!! The scones were made by Beverley who cut them out in the shape of hearts!! Each person had a different tea set, they were beautifully and delicate and the collection was owned by one of the butlers, Elsbeth! We got to choose from a range of 12 different teas.To cater to our every whim, we had bunny butlers who poured our teas and fetched us tasty morsels! Looking very dashing in their suits were Bunny Butlers, Elsbeth and Sami, backed up by the cute as a button bunny maids,
Beverley and Kelly.
I didnt get the chance to get everyones coordinates for the day but the ones I did get were: Bethany in a blue Anna House JSK and blouse, Sarah wearing a lavender Vitae Katamari print JSK (the brand made by our very own Kelly, multiskilled isnt she!!!) Emma looking amazing in a Metamorphose sailor OP, Me finally rocking out my AP Marionette Girl JSK and Jaana looking very classic in her blouse and bustle skirt combo, the tights and boots were amazing! Can you tell that everyone of us (except for Jaana is wearing a wig?) Mine is from GLW, i love how curly it is.
Lastly a quick run down of my outfit for the day, this is a little special to me as it was my number one wishlist dress (with the OP on its way)
Headbow: AP red headbow with Chocomint clip
Blouse: Metamorphose chiffon short sleeve blouse
Dress: Angelic Pretty Marionette Girl JSK
Socks and shoes: Legs aveue socks and AP heels
Bag: Baby the stars shine Bright (really happy at how this matched)
Accessories: wristcuffs by BTSSB, AP rings, bracelet I think is chocomint (picked up in CC) and wig by GLW
I cant think of a better way to spend the afternoon!
♥ Alyssium♥
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