There had been rumors and whispers going around about Angelic Pretty producing a mook when suddenly up popped an email from the international website.
“Angelic Pretty is planning to release a brand mook book early next year. We would like to request a snap shot of you wearing an Angelic Pretty coordinate!! It is still in the works, but we might create a World Angelic Page, which will contain snap shots of lolita girls from all over the world.”
The picture needed to be submitted within the week and had to represent Angelic Pretty clothing.
Tamara, Marie and I quickly organised a short photo shoot that I posted about late last year here. We sent in our pictures crossed our fingers and then waited….. and waited some more. We were just starting to think they they had decided not to produce the mook when information about its release starting popping up at Kinokuniya and Kanga Kanga. I happened to be in Melbourne the weekend that Taka put out the mooks so I got one in my hot little hands as soon as they came out.
We also happened to have an Australian lolita in Japan at the time of the release who bought the mook, took a photo and tagged all of us in that she recognized! I was actually very surprised how many local girls made it into the publication! In total there were only three pages dedicated to lolitas around the world and here they are.
The Girls from Oceania
Christine (Me) and Tamara in Lavender and pink Angelic Pretty Milky Planet JSKs.
Marie from One Day in Paradise is wearing Milky Planet in blue JSK. She has posted about her picture here.
Suz and Danielle in black and pink Angelic Pretty Milky-chan OPs.
Annette wearing Angelic Pretty Fantastic Dolly JSK.
Gallimaufry in Angelic Pretty Royal Chocolate in Mocha from New Zealand.
Beverley is in the bottom right corner in a pastel pigtail wig and in Angelic Pretty Sugary Carnival JSK.
Cming takes center stage in the main photo looking lovely in a Memorial Cake JSK
Lolitas from Asia
Lolitas from the USA and South America
Victoria Suzanne also known as Parfaitdoll in a pink Aqua Princess OP from New York
BrizBlossom in the Angelic Pretty Sailor Outfit from Mexico
Courtney, otherwise known as janitors wearing a Angelic Pretty Schoolmates OP, from the USA
lugiamania (twitter: @lugiamania) wearing the black Angelic Pretty Wonder Party JSK from the USA.
and Lolitas from Europe and Russia.
Libellule13 in the Mint Rose Toilette from France
Apuriko in the black Vanilla-chan from Russia
Teapartymadness and ludmillaswan in mint and chocolate Little Bears Cafe JSKS’s from Finland.
Natalia in a black Jewellery Jelly OP from Russia, her English blog and Russian Blog
Ruban-Rose wearing Angelic Pretty Petit Patisserie from Switzerland!
crazy_kitch wearing Angelic Pretty Fancy Box from Belgium.
In the large picture in the top right, Elsas is wearing Angelic Pretty Cherry Berry bunny and Anastasia is in dreamy doll house, npth from Sweden.
I would really love to know who the other Lolitas are on the other pages. If you know please send me a pm!
Last of all, the picture that I submit to Angelic Pretty.
♥ Alyssium♥
I’m the girl from France in Rose Toilette <3
Thank you for letting me know, I updated you 🙂
I just saw your entry on Tumblr, so I thought I would let you know that I am the girl wearing Petit Patisserie 🙂 and I am from Switzerland!
I hope you will also find the other girls, I would really know who they are too!
Thank you so much for contacting me, I will update to include you!
I’m on the Oceania page down the bottom in the Mocha Royal Chocolate coord (I’m from New Zealand) 🙂 I don’t have a blog but I have a tumblr.
Thank you for letting me know as well! I will add you to the list 😉