After the popularity of the last swap meet we decided to have another one. Unluckily I saw on the forcast that the it was going to be hot…. hot being 39.2 max on the day (for the non metric readers thats 103 fahrenheit) so even with the air conditioning pumping, it was a scorcher of a day. Despite the heat we all did wonders baking (why we bake on a day like that I dont know) but the result was a spread that we tucked into before shopping!
We had sooo much stuff again and a huge range of items. With the group of us I think we got double the amount of things from last time… LOL we could put together a shop with the amount of stuff we had!!
The hardest decisions always are what to buy! Yi, Lauren and I diliberate over which one to get!
Candice was In Sydney, but still really wanted to attend so we used facetime so that she was able to shop virtually! I think everyone who came bought or swapped things!! I sold a jacket, JSK, wristcuffs and headbow and came out with a new IW blouse, AP tuxedo cutsew, AP berry bag and some new Dolly wink eyelash glue! All and all a really successful meet, we are already talking about doing another one soon for the girls that couldnt make it!
♥ Alyssium♥
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