Been out of hospital a week now. Still sore, but feeling much better. Thank you to everyone who sent me well wishes ♥ you all! I have been doing alot of crafting and catching up on the latest animes. I made these in between going to the hospital the first and second time. Once they took my head bandages off, I asked Chris to bring in one for me to wear. I got a nice giggle from the doctors and nurses though which was nice.
I got a couple of deliveries while I was in hospital. These are the melty tights that there was a GO order on EGL, Marie from ODIP bought quite a few so I jumped on her order and bought one in each colour. I also finally got my low waisted CC. When I was in Japan in december I had so much trouble deciding which style to get and finally decided to get the bustier
version, but I also really liked this one. Not long after I got back this one popped up on Angelic Poodle and the owner didnt mind a layaway (which was great because I was kind of broke after getting back) so now i got both the ones I wanted!
Candice knows how much I like stitch so bought me a little mascot to keep me company while I was in hospital. I was alo very luckly that I had lots of lovely people visit and bring me flowers.
Some of the arrangements were absolutely gorgeous!! I also got lots of Tulips, I have never been given Tulips before and here I have several vases of them!
I also got a awesome present from Marian to keep me busy while Im at home.
And lastly could not have done without my amazing BF Chris who came into hospital everyday to keep me company, even if I was sleeping or not ♥♥♥!
♥ Alyssium♥
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