Quarterly Swap meet


Now that we have had four swap meets over 12 months i think I can start calling them quarterly! This was organised at pretty late notice, as I had a couple of girls ask when the next one would be. Looking at the calendar (which was packed full) I could only squeeze it into a weekend which was only a week and a half away. Still considering the late notice, we got quite a good turn out. I dont think there was quite as many people as last time but we still had alot of stuff! This is only the accessories table.

SM4_2We had a couple people come along that have not been able to make it to previous meets so there was a really good spread of items!


Jo who we havent seen in awhile because she just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl! marian looking lovely and svelte in her Innocent world JSK. Rachel is one of newbies to the group and totally adorable! Tamara rocking Angelic Pretty Fruits Parlour OP.


Kelly looking classical in a Op she made herself (I know, I couldnt believe it either!) Another Kelly who brought me along my new Vitae rainbow socks which are gorgeous, wearing Bodyline Soft Cream. Kat towering over all of us in a Alice and the Pirates Vampire Forest OP. Lauren looking very feminine in a Metamorphose JSK and lovely flower crown.


Amy looking extremely funky in a really cute Rilakuma capelet. Carrie in a Angelic Pretty chiffon JSK. Jaana in a HMHM replica of a Meta print and sporting lovely lavender locks. Luckly last, me in Alice and the Pirates, Vampire Requiem Long JSK.



For something different we had a group picture on the stairs. The picture may look a little funny because as we all sat down the Sailor Moon song came up on my ipod and we started spazzing out and singing!


For the day I wore:
Alice and the Pirates Vampire Requiem Long JSK
Matching Cannotier
Metamorphose chiffon black blouse
Innocent World boots
Offbrand floral black lace tights.


♥ Alyssium♥

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