Back in May I wrote about the reservation I did for Sugary Bones, you can see that here. Well this week I got my own hand delivered package from the lovely designer herself, Eden.
It got dropped off in a cute leopard print bag. In the bag I found the JSK and a tissed wrapped present inside. The package contained some business cards, a thank you letter and giftcard that could go towards another reservation within a 12 month period. I really love the care that Eden went into creating all of these things. I can tell that everything from the “We’re all Mad Here” stickers, to the card and gift voucher that Eden had designed, that she had taken every little piece of detail into consideration!
The best thing in the package was, the extra gift I got for being in the first reservation group. Eden made extra headbows and designed a perfect pink bow with handglued diamantes. The bone has its own clip so could be worn with the headbow or alone.
The JSK was delivered in a bag and even the sticky tape that held the bag together was cute! When I got the dress out, it was suddenly worth the 4 month wait for it to be delivered. The thing that struck me most was the colour, it is bright, gorgeous and the most perfect colour mint (Im into mint at the moment) The material is a silky soft cotton that reminds me of 1000 threadcount sheets. The shoulder straps (shaped as bones) and the waist ties are made of a heavy duty drill cotton. I was really happy about this as the shoulder straps and waist ties usually get the most wear, it also means that the bow tied at the back is less likely to be flacid! The buttons holding on the waist ties are cute pink little bones. The lace that trims the bottom of the skirt is folded double and sewn in a blind hem, this means that it has the absolute minimum impact stitch to obscure the print. It also means that the lace does not have a rough cut edge to catch at anything on the bottom of the skirt. The entire inside of the JSK is lined with white fabric. It has a cute pink care tag on the inside of the skirt with cleaning instructions and the brand logo.
The JSK is really easy to get in, and out of. It has a pocket on one side and a an invisable mint zip (how you got the mint colour zip to be the exact shade of the dress I dont know, but its amazing Eden!) that has been reinforced where the bodice and skirt meet. For any frequent JSK wearers you know that this is the place where zips seem to always get damaged!
The JSK was able to be ordered in 3 different sizes or custom. Being able to buy a dress in your own size means that it is actually incredibly comfortable to wear, easily the most comfortable dress in my lolita cupboard with the possible exception of my Innocent World Antonia JSK (but that’s stretch material with a fully shirred back)
If you have been eyeing up “We’re all mad here designs”, my advice would be to go for it! Not only are the prints designs gorgeous, but the amount of thought and detail that Eden puts in from the tiny buttons to the reinforced zip are amazingly well thought out.
I will definitely be a returning customer, I can’t wait to see what designs are going to come out next!
If you want to read more, here are two other arrivals reviews:
♥ Alyssium♥
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