Ever get those seller regrets after shipping off a dress you were unsure of parting with? I seem to get it very regularly, in fact there are a number of dresses in my wardrobe that I have sold, bought back in a different cut or colourway and then sold and bought back again.
This dress in particular was one that I sold off a couple of years ago in a wardrobe cull. I have always struggled with reducing my wardrobe and on this occasion, I had decided that since I had worn it multiple times, it was time to say goodbye. It sold almost immediately, I got a good price for it, I shipped it off and almost immediately missed it!
So back to the sales pages I went. The problem was that this dress cut and colourway, is one that doesn’t come up off very often (likely why I sold it so easily) So a bit bummed, I updated my wishlist and started the hunt again. A year or two later Baby the Stars Shine Bright re released it, however I missed the reservation sadly. Another year by and this popped up and bought it straight away. This time I got the matching headbow, which I never had with my first dress, woo hoo! Welcome back to my wardrobe, note to self, do not sell again.
♥ Alyssium♥
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