Chocolate Chess strawberry picking

CC_1-1We had some lovely lolitas from Sydney visit Adelaide to go to a event at the festival center, Final Fantasy with the Symphony Orchestra. While they were over we decided to have a special meet up. We knew that they had Chocolate Chess items and we had been wanting to go strawberry picking for awhile, so we had a chocolate and strawberry


themed event.

 We all wore chocolate themed prints such as Chocolate Chess, Royal Chocolate, Melty Chocolate and Chocolate Rosette.

Towards the end of the year is one of the best times to pick strawberries in Australia, so we headed up to a well known farm in Hahndorf called Beerenberg. Beerenberg are very well known for their Jam and condiments and have several patches of strawberries that they open up to the public for picking to take home.

Even though the day was very hot, there were many other families and tourists who had come up to pick strawberries. The Adelaide Hills where Hahndorf is located is a nice place to esape to when it gets hot as it is oftens several degrees cooler in the hills. We made quite the spectacle walking around and we got asked by many groups to have pictures with them.

CC_3At Beerenberg, you take punnets from the welcome center and go out to the strawberry patches to start picking, they get weighed and you pay for them on your way out. In the strawberry patch there was some lovely huge strawberries!!

CC_4I started muching on chocolate strawberries before we even started picking!

CC_5Once we had picked and paid, we headed into the main street of Hahndorf to Chocolate No.5 a lovely little chocolate cafe.

CC_6There was a great selection of desserts on the menu, but Tamara and I stuck to dipping marshmallows and strawberry in chocolate! ( I hae a major weakness for chocolate strawberries!)

CC_7We mucked around and took some photos before heading off home. This is the chocolate crab dance, it fails to lure Marie….

CC_8All the chocolate Chess!! Between us we had all the versions, low waisted military style, bustier and jabot JSKS.


My outfit for the day.

Angelic Pretty Chocolate Chess mint bustier with matching bonnet.
Angelic pretty Ivory fuilly shirred blouse.
Starry Night Theater wristcuffs and AP Melty Chocolate accessories.
Alice and the Pirates Ivory and chocolate roses.
Offbrand ankle socks and Angelic Pretty Mint teaparties.


♥ Alyssium♥





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